This week I’ve taken on the major role of working on UI/UX for an in-house app my company has been building for the past month. First release is set to be later this month. The majority of the foundation has been laid in terms of database and business logic, however the UI/UX work was put off until we had a functioning application. I’ve been working on styling page templates and setting a layout standard for the whole team to follow. The past couple of days, I’ve been putting time into styling the login, testing the responsive behaviors with Android Studio as well as my personal Android devices (Galaxy S4 and LG V10). There’s a few minor details that needs to be addressed for the login but right now my colleague is working on building the functionality into the mock-up I’ve designed and styled. The major hurdle we had to undertake was building the modules that allowed for our apis to talk to a third party and sync all the data into the new platform. For now, we’ve focused on building an HRM with an employee directory. We also have an additional Equity module that is in final testing stages. Expanding on the current application, we hope to have this internally used for various level of HRM/CRM and build out forms to help audit business processes such as marketing and syndication of data to other third party services.